Generating a Kubernetes Secret manifest from 1Password

When you manage your own Kubernetes cluster you will inevitably have to manage some secrets, and if you manage it using GitOps practices you should know that it's not a good idea to store your secrets in a git repository.

There are many different solutions to solve this problem, but a lot of them rely on using some kind of third-party secrets management platform, which can come with unexpected costs.

A simpler alternative is to use Bitnami's Sealed Secrets controller, which lets you encrypt the secret in the git repository, and then the controller will decrypt the secret inside the cluster.

This simplicity comes with a cost, as it becomes quite cumbersome to manage many secrets since you need to store copies of the original unencrypted secrets somewhere safe, and then you need to re-encrypt it every time you update a value.

In this article I will introduce a small CLI tool to that alleviates some of this by reading the secrets from 1Password.

X-Max V3 Pro Plus Tech Dump

I recently purchased a X-Max V3 Pro Plus vaporizer, and I was hoping I could hack it to display a different boot logo, just for fun.

In the end, I didn't achieve my goal - but I did break it open and found some details about the device that I couldn't find elsewhere, so this is an article that contains a dump of the information I gathered.

Markdown frontmatter syntax highlighting for Vim and Neovim

The default markdown syntax highlighting configuration for Vim and Neovim does not know how to highlight markdown frontmatter that is commonly used in static site generators.

In this article I will show how you can add a syntax region that tells Vim/Neovim to highlight the frontmatter with a different syntax.

Documenting the BouffaloLab BL602 firmware image format

The BL602 is a new WiFi and Bluetooth 5 capable SoC from Bouffalo Lab based on SiFive's E24 core which is a 32-bit RISC-V processor with the IMAFC extension set.

I've challenged myself to write my own RISC-V OS from scratch in Rust - and one of the first things I require is a tool to convert an elf file to the specific firmware image format that is read by the programming tool.

Since I couldn't find a resource that described the format, I went through the source files and wrote this article in the hopes of making it easier to understand.